Saturday, October 25, 2008

Advertising creative pyramid principle

Advertising creative pyramid principle

The development of creative advertising performance of the negotiable, the principle of the pyramid (Pyramid Principle) is particularly effective and very practical. From the pyramid principle, insight into the thinking of the ad designers, to see how the logic of creative development to the limits.

As can be seen from the pyramid structure of the advertising creative is second only to the top of the pyramid. The creative principle of the pyramid, is divided into three levels, is the first level of information (information), it involves a wide range of topics, including internal corporate information, business intelligence, as well as competitive economic environment, and other information. These all-inclusive information only individual statistics, for information purposes only, not general teaching applications, the second level must be carefully analyzed the (analysis). This level involves a wide range of areas still need to use statistics, psychology , As well as economics, sociology and so on, through analysis of the evaluation only after the third level of creative ads appear. Only through these levels as an extension of up to play a creative advertising effectiveness are the driving force is the only ad Tanwuxufa recruit patients.

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